Indigenous Youth Cycling

Head coach Amiel Flett-Brown started cycling through the Urban Native Youth Association’s ‘Aboriginal Youth Cycling’ Program in 2012 with Kelyn Akuna.

Kelyn paved the way for me in sport, he not only gave me the opportunity to get started, he also encouraged me to set the bar high and aim to achieve my greatest potential.

- Amiel Flett-Brown

At Pathfinders Performance Coaching, we wanted Kelyn’s legacy to carry on.

I have found that sports, as with many things in life, aren’t supposed to be easy; it is the challenge of excelling that pushes us to achieve greater feats. It is in the struggle to achieve that we discover who we are and the great things we are able to accomplish. Throughout my time as an athlete cycling has been an outlet for me to discover myself while, at the same time, forge lasting friendships and see the world.

Ride with us, push yourself to achieve, and see where it takes you.

-Kelyn Akuna

Come ride with us!

The Program

Our Program is

  • Free

  • Community oriented

  • Instructional (our aim is to get you riding laps of the track by the end of the session)

This August we will be hosting an "introduction to track cycling day" at the Greater Victoria Velodrome Association. Our aim is to provide a light-hearted space and introduce the sport of cycling to the community. We will have guest speakers, snacks, bikes and helmets!

If you or your community is interested in joining us at the velodrome this August, please reach out.

We acknowledge and thank the Lkwungen People, also known as the Songhees and Esquimalt First Nations communities – past, present, and future – for their stewardship, care, and leadership on these lands.

About the GVVA:

Thank you to our supporters